DA1200V8 Veterinary Anesthesia Workstation
Meet various requirements of surgical scenarios for animal,including thoracotomy, diaphragmatic hernia, orthopedics, minimally invasive surgery, etc
Integrated anesthesia system with ventilation,anesthesia,monitoring
Main Unit:
Work mode: Cyclic breathing and non- bretahing
Application range: Animal weight 0.8-120kg Oxygen flush: 25L/min-75L/min
High quality aluminum trolley
CO2 absorber:
Integrated design of animal-specific integratedbellows and absorber
Dedicated fresh gas connection to non-breathingcircuit
Visible inspiration and expiration valve design toobserve the breathing state easy.Professional active pressure release valve designit is connected to the exhaust gas recoverysystem, and provides continuous 2cmH20 negative pressure for air bagAirway pressure real-time monitoringQuick change soda lime canister designStrong air tightness and reduced airway resistance
Animal-specific oxygen 2 tube
02 and Air
02 flow:0-10L/min
Air flow:0-10L/min
Waveform:pressure, flow, volume, end expiratory
Loop: pressure-volume; pressure-flow;flow-volume
Tidal volume: machine control: 3-1600mlManual:5-1600ml
Breathing rate: 1~100bpm 1:E: 9.9:1 to 1:9.9
Inhalation time: 0.1~10.0s Inspiratory pause%:0-50%
PEEP:OFF,3~20 cmH20
Pressure support: 0~60 cmH20
Pressure control: 5~60 cmH20
Flow rate trigger: 0.5~20L/min
Pressure trigger:-1~-20 cmH20
PSV inspiratory terminal level: 25%
Anesthesia Vaporizer:
With pressure, flow and temperature automatic compensation
Concentration range:lsoflurane:0.2-5%Sevoflurane:0.2-8%
Flow rate range:0.2-15L/min
Monitor Parameter:
Inspiratory/expiratory tidal volume., breathingrate, spontaneous breathing rate, l:E ratio
driving gas pressure, spontaneous ventilationvolume minute ventilation, peak/airway/meanairway pressure/PEEP end-tidal pressure, inspiratory plateau pressure
Alarm parameters
Tidal volume, minute ventilation, breathing rate, airway pressure, peak airway pressure apena alarm, gas supply pressure failure alarm,power supply alarm, pipeline detachment orair leakage, low air gas pressure, PEEP end-tid-al pressure